Saturday, August 06, 2005

This time, it's personal

Kinda. This is still not going to be like most blogs (I hope). The whole point is to put my ideas for art in print, experiment, juggle, and give you something worthwhile to read in the process. I hope I succeed, otherwise, I'll be deleting this mission statement.

The Po

A brilliant, very talented artist came up with the po, and introduced me to it herself.

A po basically a very short poem (2-4 lines, 5 under duress) which expresses one idea (or interlocking ideas) as concisely and poetically as possible. Here's one I wrote about insensitive, taking friends:

you share your pain
'cause I'm the other
you hurt me
'cause you can't feel mine

That's the po. Sometimes when I want to write about something(s), I write many unrelated pos about it(them), which I later massage together into a new, long poem.

Thanks N.

What points to me?

My name points to me. It helps you pick me out of a crowd. What's my name? Why, cablehead, of course! What's my real name? Does it matter? I actually thought you'd be happier with this one. At least I picked it, so it probably reflects how I perceive myself in some way.

Okay, so why "cablehead"? Some college friends call me "Cable", because I don't sleep (On 24/7, like TV). Well, I like that name.

So how did we get from "Cable" to "cablehead"? Well, this blog is all about getting stuff out of my brain before it implodes in a supernova of unintelligible outbursts. Add that to the "cable" thing, and I got this mental image of my brain: Thousands of thoughts blaring constantly, and my consciousness desperately trying to catch them all. Like a channel surfer convinced there is always something better on. MY HEAD IS LIKE CABLE TV!

And there we have it.